Ong ChiaRui


Hello! I'm Ong ChiaRui

I am working in the field of atmospheric science (espesically cloud mcrophysics) and computational fluid dynamics. My research focuses on two-phase flow direct numerical simulations and mixed-phase cloud large-eddy simulations. I am extremely interested in numerical algorithms, and recently AI. I am seeking opportunities to broaden up my skills and knowledge about numerical simulations and aiming to become a highly skilled research scientist in the future. Career goal is to make contributions in the field of multiphase flow direct numerical simulations, fluid dynamics, and cloud microphysics.

Showcase of my work

Simulation of Arctic mixed-phase cloud

This is the result of an idealized 3D simulation of Arctic mixed-phase cloud with domain size of 3.6 x 3.6 x 2 km and periodic boundary condition. This movie is a time sequence of liquid and ice water contents sliced at 1.8 km.

Simulation of Arctic mixed-phase cloud

This is time evolution of liquid and ice water paths of the simulation as described above. The contour lines is mean vertical updraft speed.

Oscillating free-falling 0.5 mm raindrop

An initially elongated 0.5 mm raindrop falls freely in static air. The stream lines, axis ratio, and falling speed are shown.

Oscillaing 1 cm water drop

A water drop with 1 cm of diameter oscillates back to sphere.

Rising bubbles

Four rising bubbles of different Eotvos number, Morton numbers, viscosity ratio, and density ratio inside a box.

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